True Justice: The End

“The End” These two words evoke a wide range of emotions. If you’re watching a great movie, you probably feel some satisfaction and some sadness ...

True Love: Revive

Occasionally I will still see a church advertising dates for an upcoming “revival.” Have you ever been to a revival meeting? What comes to your mind...

True Love: Knowledge of God

Once, I had a friend who was making cheesecake and accidentally used salt instead of sugar. As you might expect, the cake was ruined. When we ...

True Love: The Wounded Lover

We welcome Dave Rhodes, who will be preaching from Hosea 3. Dave has been a good friend for many years, and together his family has been making discip...

True Love: You Want Me to Do What?

Throughout the Old Testament, the prophets are curious figures. But their essential role was to deliver the truth of God to the people so that they ...