Foundations: The Beginning (The 5:15)

Every story has a beginning. In the great story of the Bible, the beginning is with God. He is creating; His Spirit is hovering over chaos ready to generate beauty; His Word is bringing forth a new world fro...

Jesus and the Journeryers: A One Story Overview

It's Friday morning. I'm sitting in my living room. And as I look around I realize everything has a story: Meeting my wife. Adopting our puppy. Wrapping the tattered cover of my old blue Bible with packing...
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They Rejoiced Exceedingly with Great Joy

This week on the Advent calendar is traditionally devoted to joy. For some, joy is a wonderful topic in harmony with this happy time of year. But for others, the thought of joy in the Christmas season can feel as fleeting as an Atlanta snow flurry. [more...]
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Approaching Jesus

John 12 is a bridge between two enormous landscapes. The first landscape is Jesus' ministry and the signs revealing his nature--turning water to wine, healing the man born blind, feeding the 5,000, and, of course, raising Lazarus from the dead. [more...]