John 12 is a bridge between two enormous landscapes. The first landscape is Jesus’ ministry and the signs revealing his nature–turning water to wine, healing the man born blind, feeding the 5,000, and, of course, raising Lazarus from the dead.  The second in John’s Gospel gives us an intimate and extended view into Jesus’ final words to his closest followers, his death on the cross, and his glorious resurrection.  Our good passage from the first to the second half in John, however, must go through the path of John 12, where we meet a handful of characters whose actions can teach us the best ways to keep moving forward with Jesus.  And this is a crucial journey.

What’s at stake?  Nothing less than eternal life (Jn. 12.50)–the joyful life in God that begins now and extends onward forever.

And what can we hold on to?  Well, for starters, a perfume bottle, a palm branch, and an empty shrug.

And, of course, Jesus.


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