Where are you?

“Where are you? Just talk to me.” Prayer is not a monologue. Prayer is a conversation with our Creator. Intimacy is impossible absent conversation; in this sermon we will dig deeper into how to talk and lis...

Questions from the Beginning

In Genesis 3, we find the first recorded conversation between God and man in Scripture. What can it teach us about prayer? And how can God's questions to Adam and Eve reshape the way we view the biggest quest...

Foundations: Where are you?

The first two chapters of Genesis tell us the account of creation, and if we spend just a few moments imagining that incredible act, our only response toward God can be, simply, "Wow." To see God's power, purpo...

Foundations: What’s Wrong Here? (The 5:15)

The first two chapters of Genesis tell us the account of creation, and if we spend just a few moments imagining that incredible act, our only response toward God can be, simply, "Wow." To see God's power, purpo...

Foundations: The Beginning (The 5:15)

Every story has a beginning. In the great story of the Bible, the beginning is with God. He is creating; His Spirit is hovering over chaos ready to generate beauty; His Word is bringing forth a new world fro...

Kingdom Families

We were created to be Kingdom people! Yes, this includes you. This week we are going to explore the roots of this Kingdom Family. The birth certificate is found in our Creator's covenant with our Father Abraham. [more...]

Kingdom Foundations

“Where are you from?” What if I told you I was from Eden? Yes, that one. Not the one in Minnesota, but the one in Genesis. What if I told you my family was royalty–that we were living in exile but there was a revolution in the works, and the King was going to restore Eden? [more...]