Wise Family

Bubbles are lots of fun! Until they burst. (And usually bursting them is the most fun.) Sometimes, though, we use the word “bubble” to describe more than just fun with soapy water or bubble gum. When I wa...

Whence Wisdom?

In college, I had a friend who always gave the best advice. All of us would bring our problems to him, and he would help us sort out our lives. I used to joke with him that if his future business career didn't ...

Get Wisdom!

If you can, choose one area from the list below that you would prefer NOT to improve: Friendship Work Caring for your soul Parenting Marriage Knowing God Communicating Leadership Handling mo...

Highway to the Grave

Psalm 51 gives an insight into the mind of David as he repents for the sin of adultery with Bathsheba. We sense the true remorse in David’s writings, but the question must be asked, “What then?” So often our ac...