Buddy Hoffman Foundation

The Buddy Hoffman Foundation has been established to multiply Buddy’s legacy of making disciples by catalyzing Jesus movements in the Muslim world, raising up next generation leaders for the Kingdom and plantin...
Place In Grace

Place in Grace: Neighborhood Notice

We love our super heroes don’t we? It seems like every year blockbuster movies tell the stories of heroic figures possessing extraordinary abilities. Whether it is Spiderman, Superman, Batman or the X-men, we f...

Wise Family

Bubbles are lots of fun! Until they burst. (And usually bursting them is the most fun.) Sometimes, though, we use the word “bubble” to describe more than just fun with soapy water or bubble gum. When I wa...

Neighborhoods (The 5:15)

Reaching the Neighborhoods, Nations and the Next Generation is the DNA of Grace, and in the next few weeks we will reconnect with what scripture has to say about these core areas. In this "part 2" teaching, w...