We Have Seen the Enemy and the Enemy Is Us

In Nehemiah 4:14, God’s people are told: “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” For four cha...


Nehemiah had a problem. The wall of his home city was shattered and his people were living in “great trouble and shame” (Neh. 1:3). But even though the problem was enormous, Nehemiah didn't let its magnitude ...

Why Walls Matter

What’s your problem? Hopefully you have one. We will open the Scriptures and consider how God hears and heals our brokenness–not only individually–but whole communities. It is often in the broken place...

Return: Fix This House (The 5:15)

Nehemiah: The Story of Restoration - is there an order to change? As we continue in the One Story series, Randy Rainwater teaches about how we can bring God's order to our lives by examining the story of Nehem...

Return: Restoring Worship?

What if God wanted to do a “New Thing?” What if that “New Thing” was to restore a nation? What if God “stirred the hearts” of “His people?” What if one of those people whose hearts were “stirred” was yours? How...

One Story 8: Return

Have you ever felt dead? Have you ever felt like your whole future was past or felt like even the idea of restoration was foolish? In this part of the One Story series, we come to the return and restoration of a nation. [more...]