In Dante’s Inferno, the foreboding inscription over the gates to hell reads: “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

John Bunyan’s classic allegory Pilgrim’s Progress begins with Christian, the protagonist of the story, carrying his burden through the “Swamp of Despair.”

The great American essayist Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

And if we’re honest, each of us has been able to relate to the words of these famous authors at one time or another. Hopelessness, despair, and desperation have plagued our human lives ever since Adam and Eve mortgaged Eden for a bitter bite of fruit.

But in the second half of Acts 8, we find another famous author–Isaiah–who reminds us that there is One who has tasted the same bitter fruit and, by the power of his own sacrifice, undone its darkening power.

And this is good news for everyone.



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(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Date: October 30, 2016 // Title: The Eunuch and You

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes
Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
Hopelessness, despair, and desperation have plagued our human lives ever since Adam and Eve mortgaged Eden for a bitter bite of fruit. But in the second half of Acts 8, we find another famous author, Isaiah, who reminds us that there is One who has tasted the same bitter fruit and, by the power of his own sacrifice, undone its darkening power. This is really Good News for each one of us!

As we examine the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, the question that seems to arise is: “Am I enough?” This is a key question that we are constantly being confronted with every day: “Am I doing … being … saying … resting … enough?” In this amazing story, we find the answer for how we can move from an uncertain future and hopeless desperation to “Living God” with clarity of direction and identity that fill us with confidence in the goodness of God. The Good News is that Jesus has come to give us clear guidance and hope, as he restores and heals our brokenness and despair. With Jesus, you can become “more than enough!”

Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
Certainty about our direction and identity comes from the Biblical conformity and community affirmation that lead us to a personal encounter with Jesus – the unchanging Good News.

SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?): How does Philip demonstrate what it looks like to hear from God and act on the direction that he is hearing? How does his working knowledge of the Word of God help Philip lead the conversation with the Ethiopian to Jesus? What is the result of the Ethiopian’s encounter with Jesus?
Mirror (Where am I in the story?): Am I listening well to the guidance and direction of God? Am I depending on the truth of God’s Word and conforming to the heart of God? Am I seeking wisdom and affirmation about what I am hearing from God through interaction with a trustworthy community of followers of Jesus?
Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): In my daily life, where am I meeting People of Peace, who are seeking answers about God? Am I listening to the questions of the people I encounter? Am I directing those conversations to the Good News of Jesus? How can I practice that this week?

BE IT – Practice
Change UP // Exercise – Practice Hearing from God 5 minutes
Set a timer and be silent before God for a full minute! Simply ask God to show you how he wants you to respond to the truth that he is enough – then be still and listen. When time is up, share what God is impressing in your heart. Is there a direction he is inviting you to go? Is there an action he is inviting you to take?
Change IN // Practice the Heart of God 5 minutes
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to describe the heart of God in three sentences or less. Give everyone a full minute to choose their words! Then go around the room and take turns sharing your summary – everyone should make an attempt! Evaluate the outcome. Do you need to improve your knowledge about of God’s heart and His Word? (Listen to Buddy Hoffman teach the One Story, the Big Picture of the Bible, at
Change OUT // Practice Sharing the Hope of Jesus 5 minutes
Think back through the last few weeks of Halloween activities. Ask God to bring to mind the People of Peace you have met during those experiences. Share the next step that God is inviting you to take this week with those People of Peace. Go OUT with certainty as you share the hope of the Good News of Jesus with them.

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.