“What’s your story?”
We all have one, but we seldom consider the reality that “our story” actually has us. “Our story” develops and defines us. “Our story” shapes what we believe about who we are; it answers the questions of where we’re from, who we know, and who knows us. It shapes our very identity.

For the next several weeks we are going to re-story our lives. We are going to take a look at where we are from and to whose family we belong. It might seem strange to say, but the truth is, our story is the same story–it is One Story.

This One Story is found in Scripture. Over the next several weeks we are going to journey through the Bible Story from beginning to end. We are going to learn how the pieces form the big picture. We are going to see where it all fits, and where we fit in it.

Job, after great suffering, responded to God’s voice by declaring, “I have lived on rumors of you, now I know you in realty.”

Let’s go on this journey together.

PS: Over the next several weeks, we will attempt to answer any questions you may have after the 5:15 gathering. I think this series is going to be loads of fun.


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