If you can, choose one area from the list below that you would prefer NOT to improve:

  • Friendship
  • Work
  • Caring for your soul
  • Parenting
  • Marriage
  • Knowing God
  • Communicating
  • Leadership
  • Handling money
  • Seriously?

Could you really pick one?

I mean, who doesn’t want to get better at communicating? Or friendship?

In fact, if you’re that confident in your mastery of any of these areas, you probably don’t need the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. (Perhaps the book of Job would be more appropriate?)

But if you’re like the rest of us, growth in any and all of these areas would be a welcome addition to our lives. And our lives are precisely where God’s wisdom meets us. She calls out from the intersection of our days and our desires and promises to “honor you if you embrace her” (Prov. 4:8).

We will begin a new series for the next four weeks called FamilyWise. We will talk about how to get wisdom from above into our families and into our neighborhoods.



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(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Date: July 5, 2015  // Title: GET WISDOM!


Scripture: Proverbs 4:7-9


SERMON REVIEW  5-10 minutes

It seems like everyone is trying to GET something today. Everywhere we look people are trying to GET money, GET success, GET power, or even GET candy. That’s why this week Jon challenged us to GET WISDOM! But what is wisdom and what does getting wisdom look like? As we read Proverbs 4:7-9, Jon described wisdom this way—“Wisdom is the best way forward in any situation”. And because we can’t always see all the angles and issues of any given situation by ourselves, as Christians, we choose to GET WISDOM from God. As we choose wisdom, we learn to rule and reign in our lives rather than be ruled and reigned by the things come into our lives—because WISDOM WINS!




5 Questions to help us grow or SEE IT

  1. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge (book smarts)?
    *discuss what wisdom is and what wisdom is not
  2. What is the opposite of wisdom?
    *discuss how the difference between wisdom and foolishness in not just what you know but how you act on what you know—it’s how you LIVE!
  3. Where does wisdom lead? Where does the opposite of wisdom lead?
    *discuss how wisdom leads to LIFE and foolishness leads to FOLLY
  4. What have you been trying to GET with your life? How can you GET WISDOM this week?
    *discuss the different things we try to GET in life (money, success, power, candy, etc.). Discover three places we might look to find wisdom.
  5. How have you made WISE CHOICES this past week? Where have you made UNWISE CHOICES this week?
    *discuss at least two different choices that you made this week. Evaluate together in the choices that you have made what a WISE and UNWISE choice looks like.


Three exercises to help us go or BE IT–choose at least one

UP (Our relationship with God): Family Prayers

Take some time this week to read from Proverbs together. Choose a different chapter of the first nine chapters of Proverbs to read as a family for at least four days this week (before breakfast or dinner or before you go to bed). List together what you learned about God and what you learned about yourself. Think together about how as a family you can live FAMILY WISE! Pray for God to give you wisdom as you seek it together this month!

IN (Our relationships with each other): Family Mantra

Take some time to create a Family Mantra for the next month by memorizing together a short sentence about how your family is going to GET WISDOM. To find this family mantra you might want to think about a verse of Scripture to memorize, you might want to memorize a quote you have heard, or you might want to find a lyric of song to sing together. Get creative here and find something together as a family that you can rally around this month.

OUT (Our relationship with the world): Family Give

One of the best ways that we can demonstrate our faith is by the choices we make. One of the best choices that we can make together is to GIVE. Take some time this week to GIVE together. You might want to gather some supplies for the Summer Manna project and come pack the meals together this Sunday night after the 5:15 gathering (July12th). You may also want give a card or present to someone to share friendship or cheer someone up. Come back together after you GIVE this week and talk about how GIVING to others actually helped you GET wisdom for yourself.