Our Savior, Our Situation, Ourselves (The 5:15)

How does Paul write a letter like Philippians that is drenched in joy even while he is locked in prison? Part of the key, we learn, is that he has arrived at a "mature consideration" (Phil. 1:12) of his situa...

Jesus: Holy Week Ponderings

Imagine for a moment you are walking with Jesus into Jerusalem. You have followed Him for three years–you love Him; you believe in Him. But you fear you are walking into into an ambush. Yet, deep in your hear...

Jesus Is…

One man stepped from eternity into time and changed it forever. He was before time and beyond time. The statements that He made about Himself could never be made of anyone else. Jesus asked His disciples, “Who ...

Kingdom Foundations

“Where are you from?” What if I told you I was from Eden? Yes, that one. Not the one in Minnesota, but the one in Genesis. What if I told you my family was royalty–that we were living in exile but there was a revolution in the works, and the King was going to restore Eden? [more...]

One Story – Introduction

“What’s your story?” We all have one, but we seldom consider the reality that “our story” actually has us. “Our story” develops and defines us. “Our story” shapes what we believe about who we are; it answers the questions of where we're from, who we know, and who knows us. It shapes our very identity. [more...]
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Covenant and Commission

Click here to toggle display of full sermon transcript. John 1:1-5 ...morning and you don't have a Bible with you, I mean one in your hand, I want you to slip up your hand, and I want to put a Bible in yo...