What if we kept our eyes on the prize?

That stinks! Paul compared his religious life without Christ to rotten rubbish! He then tells us how to abandon the religious rubbish and replace it with radiant relationship, with Life itself, from “do do” l...

What if we thought like Jesus?

Are you out of your mind? Have you ever said something or done something you wished you had not done or said, and as you reflected on why, the only explanation you could give was, “I was just not thinking well...

What if we thought like Jesus? (The 5:15)

We welcome DJ Coleman to teach at the 5:15 gathering. DJ digs deeper into Philippians 2:5-11 to better understand Jesus Christ's divine and human nature and the incredible humility he displayed in his life and death. 

Neighborhoods (The 5:15)

Reaching the Neighborhoods, Nations and the Next Generation is the DNA of Grace, and in the next few weeks we will reconnect with what scripture has to say about these core areas. In this "part 2" teaching, w...

Teachers Change the World

I do not have adequate words for the support, prayers and countless acts of kindness our family has received over the last few weeks from the family of Grace. In the coming weeks we will tell you some of the ...

A Journey Home: Week 02 Know Your Dad

I once heard the story of a teacher who called the home of a student that had not come to school that day and said, “Is it true Billy can’t come to class today because of a cold?” On the other end of the l...

A Journey Home: Week 01 The Promise of Home

Our culture is full of ideas about home. Magazines tell us how to have better ones (and gardens), our cliches tell us we can find it where the heart is (behind our ribcage?!?), and websites send us to a home ...

New Creation: The Revelation of Jesus for His Church

First, a quick reminder to everyone who has ever been born: this Sunday is Mother’s Day! You know what to do... Make sure to honor the good women in your lives who have sacrificed and poured out love to raise y...

Church: Shall I Join the Church?

What if you were summoned to be part of something so astonishing it was going to restore Earth–not just the planet–but people? What if you knew this movement was not only a good movement, it was a God movement...