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Hungry for Hope?

How do we move from "Hope so?" to "So hope!" Hope is not a mindset; it is a heartset. The root of hope is the resurrection. [more...]
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His Name Is…

We live in an age of uncertainty. As a culture, we have never had more information at our fingertips and less confidence in our hearts. We don’t know who to trust, which way to turn, or on what to hang our hopes. Holidays turn everything up a notch. A number of years ago, I read a phrase, “Wise men still seek Him.” I know it’s a cliché, but I think the reason it became so is that it rings true. What made these men wise was not that they were certain of everything; they knew less than the people who possessed the prophecies. They had to ask questions of people who knew more than they, but possessed less faith. They were wise because they walked toward the light they were given. This Sunday we will walk in the way of the wise. We will open our Bibles to explore Matthew‘s account of Jesus’ birth and early infancy.
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Mega Joy!

What does Christmas sound like? If Christmas was a movie and you were commissioned to score the soundtrack, how would it sound? If you listen to the music, it is obvious how the producer of the movie wants those watching to feel or react. Would it surprise you to know that Christmas already has a soundtrack? This sound is associated with the mighty name of our God, "Jehovah Sabaoth!" Do you hear what I hear?
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Is Peace On Earth Possible?

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent, and the message is peace. You know the passage, it's the angelic chorus "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, goodwill to men." Notice the words: not just "peace", "peace on earth". Is "peace on earth" possible? Sometimes I think I need this message more than you do. So, this week we will open the Scriptures and see what God means when He promises peace.
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Simeon – Luke 2

Imagine a man, an old man, holding a baby in his arms and singing - not singing to the baby, but about the baby. This baby is unlike any other; this is the dream, the dream of his life. In his arms he holds the Messiah. The man calls him by a name, but it is not the name given to him by his mother; it is the name given by a prophet. The prophet is Isaiah, and the name is "The Consolation of Israel." This week we will listen to the Song of Simeon, and we will consider just how important is hope.