Church: Red Light Green Light

What if you were summoned to be part of something so astonishing it was going to restore Earth–not just the planet–but people? What if you knew this movement was not only a good movement, it was a God movement...

Jesus: Easter Sunday (The 5:15)

The Resurrection of Jesus is the great rift of human history. Every moment before that event led up to that event. Just as Jesus proclaimed as He rode into Jerusalem, if the people did not praise Him, “the ston...

Jesus: The First Day of the New Creation

The Resurrection of Jesus is the great rift of human history. Every moment before that event led up to that event. Just as Jesus proclaimed as He rode into Jerusalem, if the people did not praise Him, “the ston...

Jesus: The Most Triumphal Entry

Imagine for a moment you are walking with Jesus into Jerusalem. You have followed Him for three years–you love Him; you believe in Him. But you fear you are walking into into an ambush. Yet, deep in your hear...

Jesus: Holy Week Ponderings

Imagine for a moment you are walking with Jesus into Jerusalem. You have followed Him for three years–you love Him; you believe in Him. But you fear you are walking into into an ambush. Yet, deep in your hear...

Jesus: The One and Only (The 5:15)

One man stepped from eternity into time and changed it forever. He was before time and beyond time. The statements that He made about Himself could never be made of anyone else. Jesus asked His disciples, “Who ...

Jesus Is…

One man stepped from eternity into time and changed it forever. He was before time and beyond time. The statements that He made about Himself could never be made of anyone else. Jesus asked His disciples, “Who ...

Expecting: How Do We Get Home From Here?

Between the close of the Old Testament and the opening words of the Gospels there are about 400 years. We often call this space between “the 400 silent years” but God is anything but silent. Long before these s...

Return: Esther – Where is God in This?

Where is God in this? No question, if you think–you do not even have to think deeply–you have asked this question. We have all found ourselves in places and circumstances where we must make a choice and the ...