trail & treehouse

grades 2-5


Kids’ questions for lesson Sunday, December 27!

1. What decisions (choices) did you make this morning?

  • What are some decisions you make every day? (what to wear, what to eat, what game to play)
  • What are some more important decisions you’ll make some day?
  • One decision is the most important you’ll ever make. Who knows what that is? (Who you decide Jesus is)

2. Who in the Christmas story decided, or believed, Jesus was the Savior? (Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Wise Men)

  • What clues did they have? (An angel told them; Scripture predicted He would come; miracles; Mary got pregnant by the Holy Spirit; Elizabeth was too old to have a baby; Zechariah lost his voice; angels appeared to announce Him; the Star led them)

3. Who rejected Jesus? (Herod, and many people in Jerusalem)

  • In your opinion, who did Herod think Jesus was?
  • What did Herod think of himself compared to Jesus?

4. Listen as I read the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:15 (after He was grown up): “But what about you?” He asked. “Who do you say I am?”

  • How would you answer that?
  • How should we respond to Jesus if we believe He is the Savior?

5. How did Jesus change Mary’s life? What about Joseph? What about the

  • If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior, how does that change your life? (He will guide you all of your days, He will never leave you, He makes the way for you to live in God’s kingdom forever)

View previous GraceKidz! Trail and Treehouse teachings on our YouTube channel