The Lord had done a wondrous thing! By the power of the Holy Spirit, He raised Jesus from the dead, conquering sin and death forever! But the disciples sat unaware, barricaded behind a locked door. Fear was their natural response to the events swirling out of control around them. But the kingdom of God is supernatural. Jesus stepped into that room, bringing peace and purpose.


Family Talk Discussion Sheet Audio Video iTunes

Family Talk Discussion Questions

Title: Easter // John 20

Quick Review:
The boisterous crowd cheered and waved as Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Surely each of them imagined how this man might improve their lives and livelihoods. But in truth there was so much more going on than anyone could see. The time had come. The stage was being set. Centuries of prayers were being answered. And the crowd had no idea.

As a family, take time to discuss these questions and possible action steps you can take.

What causes you to lock your doors?
Do you feel like hiding out/locking doors because of any specific fears right now?
What are they?

Jesus Finds Us
Where has the Lord interrupted/“entered the room”/shown you His love in the last few weeks?

Jesus Folds Us
How/where are you hearing the words of Jesus and how are they affecting you?
Think about Jesus’ wounds and suffering. How does His journey give you guidance for your journey?

Jesus Flies Us
How do you rely on the Holy Spirit?
How does Jesus send you out?
Who are the people who might need to know about the love and forgiveness of God and how can you share that?

As a fun reminder, grab some paper and click here to make the airplane from Pastor Jon’s sermon
Advanced folding techniques here 🙂