This Sunday we have the very special privilege of welcoming Buddy Hoffman to the Grace Snellville pulpit! Buddy and his wife Jody planted Grace more than 30 years ago and continue to be significant leaders in the Grace Family.

Jody and I are excited to return to Grace Snellville this Sunday, and we are thrilled how well all the Grace Churches are experiencing great favor from God. We look forward to renewing old friendships and seeing new faces. We will continue the commitment that Jon has so faithfully followed in teaching the Scripture as we journey into Acts 8: “The Good News in a Messy World.” It answers questions like: What happens if what we believe isn’t popular? What if what we teach is not culturally attractive? What if what we know to be true becomes unlawful to utter? Abandon worry! The Good News remains Good News!




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(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Date: October 16, 2016 // Title: The Answer is Jesus and the Bible

Scripture: Acts 8

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes
Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
This week we welcomed back the founders of our church here at Grace Snellville–Buddy and Jody Hoffman. Buddy continued our conversation through the book of Acts by preaching from Acts 8. In Acts 8, persecution breaks out against the church and the church is scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. The gospel collides with an unlikely person named Simon the Sorcerer, and Phillip is sent in a miraculous way to explain the good news to the Ethiopian Eunuch. In these stories, the gospel continues to spread even when bad things happen, when religion goes rotten, and when people are unsure about the longterm plan. Through it all, we are reminded that Jesus is everything we need and that no matter what happens to us or in our world, that nothing can stop the power of the gospel.

Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
Whatever questions we are asking in our lives, the answer in the person of Jesus and the story of God found in the Bible.

SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?): What happens to the church in the opening verses of Acts 8? How does this persecution affect the church? Does the answer surprise you? Why or why not? What does Simon the Sorcerer try to do with the gospel? How does that affect the church? What happens with Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch? How does this affect the church?
Mirror (Where am I in the story?): :How has the gospel pressed up against difficulty in your life? How has Jesus taken some of those bad things and worked them for good in your life? What keeps you from believing Jesus is all you need in your life? How have you seen the gospel distorted by religion? How is the power of Jesus different from other power we bump into in the world? Where have you seen the power of the gospel at work the most?
Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): What would it look like for you practically to be dependent on Jesus in your life? How might you expect the power of the gospel to be present in your life, in your family, and in your work this week—in the good stuff, in the bad stuff, in the distorted stuff, and in the wonder of it all?

BE IT – Practice
Change UP // Exercise: High Points and Hard Times 5 minutes
Take a moment to come up with the 10 highest High Points and the 10 hardest Hard Times in the Bible. List these High Points and Hard Times out on a white board or piece of poster board for the group to see. Then go around the group and ask for people to give testimony about how these stories—both the High Points and the Hard Times have been a source of hope in their lives. Encourage the group that both High Points and Hard Times are places for God to work.
Change IN // Here and Now 10 minutes
This week Buddy challenged our church that Jesus was the answer to every question we might have as we look at our life and our world. So, take some time to gather questions your group maybe asking this week. Have each person write down or share the biggest question that they are asking in their lives right now. Allow these questions to press you further into knowing Jesus is the answer. Invite each person in the group to exchange questions with one other and challenge them to allow this person’s question to drive them to Jesus this week. Come back and share next week how the questions you took from someone else drove you to Jesus this week.
Change OUT // Halloween Hope 10 minutes
Take some time this week to think about how your group can leverage Halloween as an opportunity for the gospel. Think about how your group can be present in your neighborhood and what that gospel presence might look like (for example—it might look like cooking Chili, handing out large size candy bars, providing drinks for parent’s who are walking with their kids, or beginning intentional conversations with your neighbors, etc.). Brainstorm some creative ways that you could get to know and serve your neighbors this Halloween. Then spend some time this week starting to put action to some of the thoughts you came up with in your group.

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.