What happens when the living God lives in you?

It might get loud. It might get fiery. It might get you accused of being drunk. It might be better than Rosetta Stone.

It also surely means renewal and guidance and power.

Sunday, we will read one of the greatest stories in the history of the world about the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. And even though it was a one-time event that can never be fully duplicated, part of its impact is that it’s still available to everyone.



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(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Date: August 28, 2016 // Title: Pentecost

Scripture: Acts 2:1-41

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes
Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
Pentecost marks an unprecedented turn in the human story. It was on this day that God sent His Holy Spirit to His people. This supernatural experience redefined God’s work in the world and reversed much of the human experience we find in Genesis 3-11. The images of fire and wind that we see inaugurating this moment in the church’s history remind us of the way that God had led His people throughout the Old Testament. The symbol of tongues of fire remind us of the pillar of fire that God used to lead the people Israel through the desert—giving them guidance. The blowing wind reminds us of Ezekiel’s vision for the people of God in Exile—giving them the power of life and resurrection to turn their dead bones into a vast army. Here in Acts 2, the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit is given to all of God’s people. And even though this is a one-time event in human history, with it marks the opportunity for God’s people to be filled with the Spirit each and every day. As God’s Spirit works with us, in us, and upon us, we too can live the naturally supernatural life that we see all believers living in the book of Acts.

Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
Pentecost reminds us that it is God’s Spirit that guides and empowers God’s people.

SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?): What happens to the believers in Acts 2:1-41? What is Pentecost? How does Pentecost change things? Who is the Holy Spirit? What symbols accompany the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2? Why are these symbols important? What might these symbols point to? What does it mean to blaspheme, grieve, or quench the Holy Spirit?
Mirror (Where am I in the story?): What has your experience with the Holy Spirit been like? How has He guided you? How has He empowered you? Have you ever blasphemed, grieved, or quenched the Holy Spirit in your life? What did that look like? What do you think it might look like for you to live continually filled with the Holy Spirit?
Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): Where (besides yourself) have you seen the Holy Spirit at work in the world? What did that look like? What kinds of guidance and power did you see in those places?

– Practice
Change UP // Exercise – Fire and Wind Fish Bowl 10 minutes
Split your group into two teams for a little friendly competition. Name one team “Team Fire” and name the other group “Team Wind”. Then give each group 5 minutes to name as many references, as they can, where they see fire if they are Team Fire or wind if the are Team Wind in the Bible. Have each team read their list one at a time—alternating teams. The team that identifies the most events wins.
Change IN // Group Activity – Fish Bowl 10 minutes
Pass out a small piece of paper to each person in the group. Ask each person to write down one place in their life where they need the guidance or the power of the Holy Spirit in the upcoming week. After each person has written their answer on the paper, have them fold the paper and place it in a hat or fishbowl. Then go around and have each person pick out a piece of paper. Encourage the group to pray for the person/ need that they picked out of the hat or fishbowl. Partner in pray for each other this week.
Change OUT // Life Application Assignment – Free Refills 5 minutes
Everywhere we go today, restaurants offer free refills. As you are eating and drinking with people this week and you have your cup refilled, let it remind you to ask people where they might need guidance and power in their life. Do your best to pray with at least two people who shared their need for guidance and power in their lives.

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.