Not long ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with a startling question in my mind:

Where in the world am I?

I think most of us are familiar with that feeling. And usually, we remember the answer quickly:

Oh, I’m just at home.

Or, I’m just napping on my in-laws’ couch.

Or, I’m just in a hotel in Kansas City.

Every once in a while, however, we are surprised to wake up in an absolutely delightful place. One time, my family and I drove late into the night to get to the beach. The next morning at dawn, I woke up with a jolt, wondering where I was. Then I heard the sweet sound of waves outside and remembered: I’m at the beach!

According to each of the four Gospels, the women who came to visit the tomb of Jesus that first Easter arrived near dawn. But they did not find what they expected. They were “alarmed” to discover the tomb was empty and an angel was waiting nearby (Mark 16:5). Surely, each of them wondered:

Where in the world is Jesus?

The angel’s calm response brought the answer: “He has risen; he is not here.”

This news meant the women had awakened in a world that was fundamentally different from the one in which they had gone to sleep the night before. And from that day until now, the story of Easter awakens us afresh to the sometimes jolting and always delightful reality that Jesus has risen.



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(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Date: March 27, 2016 // Title: Awake

Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes
Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
Where in the world was Jesus? This was the question people were asking about the One who came on the scene teaching and healing. Jesus had launched a kingdom revolution which offered tangible alternatives to political oppression and the advocates of empty religion. Opposition naturally rose up among the religious leaders. Surprisingly, Jesus’ opposition also included one of his own followers, as Judas betrayed him. Even Peter denied Jesus three times. Jesus was arrested, put on trial, sentenced, beaten and nailed to a cross, where He died. Even as He cried out, “it is finished,” people began to wake up to the reality of who Jesus really is. The centurion proclaimed that “surely, this man was the Son of God.” Joseph, as a member of the Sanhedrin, risked his reputation and pleaded for the body of Jesus and laid him in a new tomb of stone.

After the long and silent Sabbath rest, the ladies were alerted and jarred into action when the angels told them to go and say to the disciples, and to Peter, that Jesus is risen. After revealing himself to his followers, Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples reminding them of the first fruits of what was to come—a world of promises fulfilled where everything is fundamentally different. Jesus is inviting us now, just as He invited his disciples then, into deeper discipleship, joining him where He is at work, and announcing the promise of immediate redemption, confident expectation and hope for the future.

THE MAIN THOUGHT Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
Do not be alarmed! He is risen! Awake, O sleepers, and rise by his Spirit into resurrection life and wholehearted service to the victorious King.  He is risen indeed!

SEE IT Questions :: 10-15 minutes

Picture: Who were the first ones to awaken to the reality of who Jesus is? What was their reaction like? How did Jesus show special care, especially for the ones who needed to hear the Good News the most, in the way He alerted his followers to action? What was the challenge Jesus gave in fulfilling his promise of new life, both now and to come?

Mirror: How would you have been moved to action upon hearing the words of the angels? What are the things you are “pressing the snooze button” on in your life right now? Where is God inviting you to step in and join him?

Window: What needs a resurrection awakening in your family, community or workplace? Is something around you being overlooked or in need of action? In what practical ways can you follow God and join him in bringing hope and new life into those situations?

BE IT – Practice

Change UP // Exercise 15 minutes
Take a moment of silence to consider what has changed in your life because Jesus is alive. When everyone is ready, briefly share your experience, with a special focus on thankfulness to God for the promise of new life.

Change IN // Group Activity 5 minutes
Have an alarm ready to use in this activity! (Sound the alarm for each person or for each round.) Inform everyone that when the alarm sounds, they each will give a one word response. Start by naming your fears or problems that feel like death. Then, repeat the cycle and name promises from God that speak life into each of those things.

Change OUT // Life Application Assignment 5 minutes
Identify the people in your group’s sphere of influence that need to know that failure doesn’t define their future. Ask God to clearly give you an opportunity this week to tell them that God doesn’t want to get them back for what they have done, but that He is alive and not angry, and He wants to restore them from what they have done.

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.