Have you ever had such a bad cold that you couldn’t smell or taste anything?

Have you ever gotten water in your ears so badly that the world around you sounded like a muffled mumble?

Have you ever fallen asleep on your arm and then, in the middle of the night, awakened to the terror that your hand has temporarily lost all ability to feel?

For me, the idea of losing any of my senses is deeply unsettling. In fact, one of my (few) recurring nightmares involves losing my glasses in the middle of a crisis and not being able to see. It’s a terrible dream.

In other very real ways, some among us face long-term impairment of one or more of their senses, making certain aspects of life extremely challenging.

As I have read John’s Gospel these last months, however, I have begun to notice the prominence of the five senses in the text (see John 6:41-59, for example). Even though it may seem like our physical senses have little to do with our walk of faith, John helps us realize their crucial importance in knowing God well.

Furthermore, paying attention to this thread through the Gospel can help us avoid one of the most dangerous spiritual deceptions that has afflicted the Church from John’s day until now.



Notes See It Be It Video Audio iTunes


(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Title:  “The 5 Senses” //   Scripture: John 6:41-63

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME  15-20 minutes

SERMON REVIEW  5-10 minutes

So many times we tend to disconnect the material world we find ourselves in from the spiritual world we think God is calling us, but this week we discovered that just because we tend to disconnect these two worlds doesn’t mean we should. In fact, to not connect them might be an even greater mistake. That’s why this week Jon followed the Thread of The Five Senses throughout the book of John. Contrary to Gnosticism (the belief that material or physical things are evil and need to be escaped—and that true knowledge is only found in the “spiritual world”), following Jesus means engaging all of our senses and experiencing the material world in a way that contains and points us to a dynamic, spiritual life. In other words, for Jesus, “material is spiritual”.

THE MAIN THOUGHT  keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion

“Material is spiritual.”

SEE IT – Questions  10-15 min

Picture: What are our five senses? Why do you think God gave us these senses? What do our senses help us do? What does each sense symbolize or represent in how we relate to God? What are some ways Jon mentioned each of these senses throughout the book of John? Which one of these senses stands out to you the most? Why?

Mirror: Take some time to apply God’s work in our senses to the lives of your group by asking the following questions that each relate to one of our senses: (Sight)—Am I recognizing what God is doing around me? (Hear)—What have I heard God say to me lately? (Smell)—Are there aspects of my life in which I am living around the smell of death or life? (Taste)—Where am I getting satisfaction or nourishment from most right now? (Touch) How intimate is my connection with God and others? Then ask, “Which of these questions makes you most uncomfortable? Why?”

 Window:  This week Jon led us through communion by engaging all five of our senses—How did this change the way you took communion? What was most impactful to you? What are some other things we do as Christians that might be enhanced if we used some of the senses that we might not think about normally?

BE IT – Practice

Change UP // SEE and HEAR

Take a few moments to share together how you have seen and heard God this week. Invite your group to take one minute in silence and think back through their week, recognizing how they might have seen and heard God—in their personal walk with God, at work, in nature etc. Then invite individuals to share. Thank God for revealing Himself to your group and for speaking to you.

Leader Note: This would be a great place to introduce or review The Learning Circle with your group.

 Change IN // SMELL and TASTE

One of the ways we get to know each other is through eating and drinking together – it’s a great time to share stories and get to know each other.  Prepare or purchase a few of your favorite foods and drinks this week and use them to share a little bit of your story and why they are your favorites. Invite others to taste them with you and thank God for the way He truly satisfies us.

Change OUT // TOUCH 

Every week we have an opportunity to use our sense of touch to minister to people. Three ways we do this is through handshakes, hugs, and high fives. Use your handshakes, hugs and high fives this week to communicate your care for those you come in contact with this week. Then take a moment to pray silently for the people you touch.

Leader Note: This would be a great opportunity to train your group on how to shake hands, hug and high five—you might be surprised how training small things like how to hug someone appropriately or how to look someone in the eyes when you shake hands will help people engage more effectively.