Without wise leadership, a nation is in trouble; but with good counselors there is safety.
-Proverbs 11:14

One of the most important indicators of your future is who sits at your table.
Whose voices in your life speak into your choices?

We enter the sixth episode of our tour through the Scriptures, and it is marked by a classic failure–choosing to heed the wrong counsel. Lives are shipwrecked by listening to the lightweights of wisdom. To lead well we must listen well.

Listening to the wrong people transforms what could have been amazing opportunities into catastrophic failures.

We will survey a series of kings that followed in the footsteps of the King that was considered wise, yet acted foolishly. What is even more amazing is that those that followed him continued listening to the wrong people.

We will look not only at the importance of making the right choices, but also choosing well those who help us shape those decisions.


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