
Sometimes we hear this message in our culture: “You can be whatever you want to be!”

At some point, however, most of us learn that this statement—though motivating—isn’t always true. For example, I really wanted to pitch in the pros, but my fastball never did quite comply. Maybe some of you have experienced a similar disconnect between what you want to be and what you can be.

Contrary to our culture, the Bible teaches that God wires each of us uniquely, with real giftings and real limitations. Perhaps a truer version of that motivational message is: “You can be whoever God has made you to be.”

Even so, not all of us step into the fullness of that promise for any number of reasons. 1 Samuel 10-15 is a warning for us as it documents the ways King Saul’s choices limit and eventually lose him the leadership for which he had been anointed.

And then, in 1 Samuel 16, we meet David, who rises from anonymity to become the most famous king in the nation. David’s rise and reign raises all kinds of questions. How did David step into this fullness of who God had made him to be? Why did David succeed where Saul fell short?

A major part of the answer comes in God’s admonishment to Samuel just before the prophet meets the young shepherd boy who would be king: “The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (v. 7).

This Sunday will be a “heart” Sunday at Grace.


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DATE: September 17, 2017 “But the LORD looks on the heart” //

Scripture: I Samuel 16

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes

Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes

Last week in 1 Samuel 13-15, we saw the ways King Saul’s choices limited and eventually lost him the leadership for which he had been anointed. This week, in 1 Samuel 16, we meet David, who rises from anonymity to become the most famous king in the nation. Saul used religion as a way to attempt to manipulate God. He quickly abandoned God’s direction because of his circumstances, and tried to hide his choices in religious activity. David’s actions in the future will make his heart seem much worse off than Saul’s, but we will see that he constantly returns with a heart turned toward God. How did David step into this fullness of who God had made him to be? Why did David succeed where Saul fell short? A major part of the answer comes in God’s admonishment to Samuel just before the prophet meets the young shepherd boy who would be king: “The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (v. 7). As we align our hearts to the heart of God, we can begin to experience in our lives the shift from simply a moment in time to a sustained movement of God to turn our hearts back to him. May we each experience a new heart as we seek God through His word, wonder, and worship.

THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes

Picture (What is the story saying?): What was the difference between Saul’s heart and David’s heart? What sort of person did God select to be his king? What are some of the ways we can ensure that our hearts are aligned with the heart of God?

Mirror (Where am I in the story How’s your heart? What does God see when He looks on your heart? Do you most closely reflect the heart of Saul or the heart of David? What are some steps you can take to ensure you have a heart for God?

Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): How can the fact that God sees the truth of your heart and the heart of others around you change the way you see yourself and others? How is God inviting you to be transformed personally or bring transformation around you?

BE IT – Practice

Change UP // Exercise 5 minutes

Listen to one or two of your favorite worship songs together. Take some time to pray. Ask God to continually examine your heart and to help you keep your heart turned towards him this week.

Change IN // Group Activity 5 minutes

Worship comes out of the word of God and wonder at His works. Share one thing you saw this week that left you in amazement and wonder. Now share one thought that God has shown you through His word this week.

Change OUT // Life Application Assignment 5 minutes

This week on the lookout for opportunities to worship God. Set aside a specific time to spend in His word. Be on the lookout for things that lead to amazement and wonder. Worship every chance you get! Commit to contacting one person in your group this week to share what God is showing you in His word, in His wonders, and in worship.

CLOSING PRAYER 5 minutes Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.