What if we thought like Jesus?

Are you out of your mind? Have you ever said something or done something you wished you had not done or said, and as you reflected on why, the only explanation you could give was, “I was just not thinking well...

What if we thought like Jesus? (The 5:15)

We welcome DJ Coleman to teach at the 5:15 gathering. DJ digs deeper into Philippians 2:5-11 to better understand Jesus Christ's divine and human nature and the incredible humility he displayed in his life and death. 

What if we really loved each other?

What would it look like if we really looked out for one another? I am sure that our family has eaten enough chicken from Chick-fil-A over the years to fill an entire car with chicken. Truett Cathy, the fou...

What if we really loved each other? (The 5:15)

Through the entire first chapter of Philippians, Paul has been preparing the readers for one, huge request. He knows their situation, struggling with division, disputes, and doctrinal differences. But he also knows that if they can get this one thing right, it will make all the difference in the world. This week, as we begin Philippians 2, we will learn what this request is and why we should pay very close, very deep attention to it!
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Dying and Living Well

Followers of Jesus not only live differently, they die differently. Paul faced a dilemma: he found himself under a death sentence. It would not be a pretty death; it would be a public death at the hands of a...

What if we knew the truth about eternity? (The 5:15)

How did Paul go from being a man consumed with his own status and behavior to one who could say, "To live is Christ"? Or from a man who saw death as punishment to one who saw death as gain? And furthermore, how could we learn to live like Paul did?

Why Do You Do What You Do? -David Nelms (The 5:15)

We welcome David Nelms, a long-time friend and colleague of Buddy, who has a heart for missions and church planting. His leads an organization called the Timothy Initiative that has planted over 23,000 churches in about 40 countries. David explores the question of "Why do we do what we do?" from Matthew 22.

God, What Are You Doing?

“Why did this happen?” “Why did it happen now?” “Why did it happen to me?” What if we viewed even our adverse circumstances though the eyes of faith? What if the God we love loved us so much that He could...

Our Savior, Our Situation, Ourselves (The 5:15)

How does Paul write a letter like Philippians that is drenched in joy even while he is locked in prison? Part of the key, we learn, is that he has arrived at a "mature consideration" (Phil. 1:12) of his situa...