Even a rapid reading of Psalm 104 reveals that not only the author of the poem but also the Author of Creation delights in the wonder of the world around us—“May the glory of the Lord endure forever, May the Lord rejoice in his works!” (v. 31)

But what does it mean to delight in God’s world these days when we hear all kinds of reports about environmental crisis and calamity? What does God’s Word say to us about the world in which we live?

Perhaps we would be wise to read Psalm 104 afresh!


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Title: Psalms: For the Earth // Psalm 104

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes
Spend the first 15 minutes or so catching up and socializing with one another.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
Even a rapid reading of Psalm 104 reveals that not only the author of the poem but also the Author of Creation delights in the wonder of the world around us—“May the glory of the Lord endure forever, May the Lord rejoice in his works!” (v. 31) But what does it mean to delight in God’s world these days when we hear all kinds of reports about environmental crisis and calamity? Psalm 104 gives us meaningful guidance in renewing our minds regarding our role in the care of creation.

THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
The way we steward God’s creation is a way we can love God.

SEE ITQuestions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?): Why is the psalmist motivated to praise God? Who benefits from what God has made? In what ways do we see humans innovating and producing good things?

Mirror (Where am I in the story?): What parts of creation speak most to you about God? How have you seen or felt the presence of God in nature? How has your family benefited from prior generations maximizing earth’s resources?

Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): Where are we as followers of Jesus cultivating and caring for creation as good stewards and where is there potential for exploiting earth’s resources? What more could you do to love God by stewarding his created world? How can you support or participate in innovation that honors creation?

BE IT – Practice
Change UP // Exercise 5 minutes
John 1 tells us that Jesus is the Word of God who has been present from the beginning. Read Psalm 104 from The Message paraphrase by Eugene Peterson slowly two or three times and listen for the wisdom of Jesus in creation. Ask God for the mind of Christ regarding your use and care of the resources he entrusts to you.

Change IN // Group Activity 10 minutes
Are you someone who has knowledge and experience with caring for outdoor spaces? Who in your neighborhood or community group takes good care of their outdoor space? Have a ten-minute intentional conversation with someone and offer to share in what you know or ask for help in what you don’t know. Commit to one way you can improve your space or help someone improve theirs. If it’s more relevant to your group, share lifestyle changes you have made as a response of loving God by caring for creation.

Change OUT // Life Application Assignment 5 minutes
What challenged you the most about our reading of Psalm 104? Have a conversation framed from a Psalm 104 perspective about practical barriers to understanding the role of climate change. Commit to interacting with one or more of these resources this week: Creation Care Blog – creationcaremissions.org; Skeptical Science – skepticalscience.com; World Evangelical Association Creation Care Task Force – weacreationcare.org/living-the-change Top ten things you can do about climate change – davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-can-stop-climate-change/.

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.