Last week during our worship gatherings at Grace Snellville, we did a live survey that confirmed what many of us had observed. Whether looking at education level, economic status, ethnic background, or the era in which we were born, we are diverse.

The first-century church in Rome was diverse too, which meant they had incredible potential either to forge a world-changing community or to fragment into a bunch of different factions. One of Paul’s primary goals in hisletter to these Romans, then, was to help them move forward in the Good News, and he begins in 1:18-2:29 by asking them to look back at some bad news. And even though what they (and we) see in the rearview mirror isn’t pretty, it’s actually crucial if we are going to come together for good.


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Title: Together For Good: Unexpected Companions on the Road to Destruction // Scripture: Romans 1:16–2:29

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes
The first-century church in Rome was diverse, in similar ways to our own community and church, which meant they had incredible potential either to forge a world-changing community or to fragment into a bunch of different factions. One of Paul’s primary goals in his letter to the Romans, then, was to help them move forward in the Good News, and he begins in 1:18–2:29 by asking them to look back at some bad news. And even though what they (and we) see in the rearview mirror isn’t pretty, it’s actually crucial if we are going to come together for good.

THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.
God’s glory has been revealed—don’t trade it for a lie.

SEE ITQuestions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?): What is being revealed about God in Creation? What of God’s creation is being destroyed? Is God’s posture toward us hostile or hopeful?

Mirror (Where am I in the story?): What view of God were you presented as a child? What do people have the potential to reflect? How do we reflect the image of God? Where are you tempted to exchange the glory of God for things created in images that are merely human? Who are you on the road with?

Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): What does it mean to live as a reflection of God in a world where that image doesn’t seem to be welcome? How has God shown up along the road with you? What is the trade God is offering to us and those around us? How can trading hostility for hope and hospitality affect the world around you?

BE IT – Practice Which of these areas is God speaking to you about this week?
Change UP
Trade time for treasure: What is God saying to you through the scripture we read this week? One way we find the treasure of a deeper understanding is to read slowly and aloud to ourselves and pay attention to the words and phrases that stand out. Maybe you need to look up a word you don’t quite get the meaning of. Maybe a picture comes to mind that helps you connect timely meaning to the truth of scripture. Paul says that the invisible qualities of God are plainly understood through the things he has made. A slow repetitive reading can help us understand those things we see.

Change IN
Trade Me for We: Who are you regularly meeting with to talk about life and the things God is revealing to you? What opportunities are around you to find community with other followers of Jesus? How can you take a step toward engaging on a deeper level with another person or group of people?

Change OUT
Trade fear for faith: Followers of Jesus have distinct differences from other humans who are not fully aware that they are made in the image of God. What is one distinction you have been hiding from others out of fear? Take heart that you have been given a measure of faith which flows from God’s faithfulness. What is one way that you can step out of the fear of what others may say or think and share your faith so someone in your life can more plainly understand God?

Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.