As followers of Jesus within the Grace Family of Churches, we recognize that we are called to be Rooted Renegades. We are rooted in the Holy Scriptures, the traditions and sacraments handed down to us through church fathers and mothers, in local community, and most importantly in Christ as we abide in the vine of his life and love. We are also renegades, pioneers reaching out over the edges of the known world, pressing past margins and status quo to follow Jesus out onto the waters before us.

Perhaps something inside you is stirred to live the life of a rooted renegade. If we’re honest, most of us probably lean toward one side or the other. Rooted or Renegade. The reality is that we need both if we want to live into the fullness of the Kingdom of God. The sermons below and this downloadable journal are meant to provide prompts for daily rhythms that embrace both the Rooted and Renegade nature of the life of a disciple of Jesus.


Thin Places: CAVE + ROAD + TABLE + FIRE

Our Celtic forefathers developed and embraced the concept of ‘thin places’; a space where the boundary between the natural and the supernatural world is more permeable. Sometimes they are physical spaces, often they are relational. Spaces and moments when the human and the divine can be one, can dance together for a while.