That is the life!

It’s the kind of phrase that runs through our minds when we listen to a friend talk about a recent vacation or see a snapshot of a hammock on a perfect beach at sunset.

It’s the kind of phrase that reveals our hunger and thirst to discover real, satisfying, deep life.

And it’s the kind of phrase that could describe all of the Gospel of John. In fact, at the end of the book, he says the entire reason he has written is so that we might believe in Jesus and, in believing, “have life in his name” (John 20:31).

Since Christmas, our Grace community has been reading and re-reading John’s Gospel lengthwise and crosswise, seeing Jesus and learning to be as he is. We will conclude this season of study by following one last “thread” through the book of John: eternal life. As we continue to hear Jesus’ words, my hope is that we will all come to exclaim That is the life! in deeper and truer ways.



Notes See It Be It Video Audio iTunes


(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME  15-20 minutes

Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another.  Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.


SERMON REVIEW  5-10 minutes

In the Gospel of John, “eternal life” is synonymous with how Matthew and Luke use “the Kingdom of God.” If that is the case, eternal life is not only the thing that satisfies the deepest longing of men’s souls, but it is also the way to live out the good news of the King in our everyday life. Jesus is the source of life, and believing in Him is the best way to connect our deepest longings with our everyday pursuits.


THE MAIN THOUGHT  keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion

By believing in Jesus we have life through the power of His name.

SEE IT – Questions  10-15 minutes

Picture: What do all people long for? What are two aspects of eternal life? How does Jesus give both life that survives and life that thrives? What is the connection between our longings and our pursuits?

Mirror: What do I most deeply desire? What am I using to satisfy that desire? Are my pursuits lining up with my longings?

Window: How does knowing that Jesus is the source of life impact my relationships with those around me who are hurting?


BE IT – Practice

Change UP // Exercise  15 minutes

Read the “I am” statements in John 6:35; 11:25; 14:6. Ask the Spirit to reveal any areas where you are not looking to the Source of life in order to satisfy your longings.


Change IN // Group Activity  5 minutes

On a piece of paper make two columns. In one column list your pursuits (what keeps you busy); in the second column list your deepest longings (what you long for more than anything else). Ask the Lord to reveal a pursuit that is getting in the way of the longings He has put in your heart. Share the pursuit that does not line up with your longing. Pray over this together, helping each other return to the source of life to satisfy your longings.


Change OUT // Life Application Assignment  5 minutes

Set aside 15 minutes. Play your favorite quiet time music. Remember your best moments with Jesus and offer up praise to Him for always pursuing us.
Then this week as you are celebrating the Fourth of July, find a neighbor or co-worker to tell your story to. Let it be a chance to celebrate living in the Kingdom of God!



Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.