This is Senior Sunday, a Grace tradition when our high school seniors will announce their fall plans amidst cheers and prayers. I could not be more proud and thankful for this group. It is also the Sunday we introduce our summer interns–over 25 college students that will spend endless hours with our children and teenagers as they prepare for a life of ministry.

Of course like every Sunday at Grace we will open the Bible and study the Word together. This week we will look at the purpose Jesus has for us and how we are woven into the greatest story there is. If you get this, it impacts everything: every relationship, every tragedy, every success, every day. Senior and intern Sunday is always a huge day at Grace–it is a kingdom-shaping Sunday. My prayer is it will be that for our seniors, our interns, me and each of you.



Notes See It Be It Video Audio iTunes


(Weekly Community Group Discussion Guide)

Title: Woven into the Story   //   Scripture: John 11


ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME  15-20 minutes

Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another.  Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.


SERMON REVIEW  5-10 minutes

This week we celebrated our graduates as they embark on their journeys into adulthood. Some will go to college, others will begin their life through other paths, but all are commissioned with the call to look for the purpose that Jesus has for them. We are all challenged to see what God’s purpose is for us and how our story is woven into the greatest story of all. Once we see this, it makes an impact on everything in our lives: every relationship, every tragedy, every success, every day. How do we prepare for the moments in our life where we can be vessels for the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us to show others God’s goodness, truth and love.


THE MAIN THOUGHT  keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion

Our story can have purpose and meaning when it is woven into God’s moments.


SEE IT – Questions  10-15 minutes

Picture: What was the real moment in the story of Jesus in John 11? Was Jesus late or was He on time? What did Jesus say was the reason for His delay? Who did you identify with in this story (Mary, the disciples, Lazarus)?


Mirror: Do you believe that Jesus is willing to walk into your stench? When have you tried to be the Holy Spirit and it didn’t work? When have you thought God had missed his moment, but really, it was just not His time? What did you learn through the moment that was actually God’s moment? In what areas of your life do you need to have some grave clothes removed?


Window: Do you see yourself as one who rolls away stones or one who removes grave clothes? Are there people in your life that you can see where they need someone to roll away the stone or to remove grave clothes? Do you trust that you are a part of God’s story and that God can use you in these ways?


BE IT – Practice

Change UP // Exercise  15 minutes

Take a few minutes to think about how God has used people in your life to roll away the stone or to remove grave clothes. These are people who have lived their lives as vessels for the Holy Spirit. Now think about how you have been an open vessel and God has used you.


Change IN // Group Activity  5 minutes

Think about places in your life where you are the only voice of hope, love and truth. Are these found in your home, family, work, neighborhood, etc? Pray for opportunities to be open to the Holy Spirit, not opportunities for you to be the Holy Spirit.


Change OUT // Life Application Assignment  5 minutes

Pray for someone this week who might need to see the love of Jesus in action. Think of ways you can love them (an encouraging word, a listening ear, an act of service). If there is a graduate in your life, high school or college, take a moment to pray for them as they are starting their next adventure. Look for ways that your family can actively invest in their future.



Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.