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Remember to Remember

[quote]We tend to forget the things we should remember and we remember things we should forget." - Unknown[/quote] I don't remember where I heard that, but I have never forgotten it. This week we come to the conclusion of our study in Ecclesiastes by exploring chapters eleven and twelve. Seven times in chapter twelve you find that word, "remember" (New Living Translation). It is a powerful reminder to remember from someone who forgot.
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Downloads Notes Transcript Video Audio Click here to toggle display of full sermon transcript. Ecclesiastes 10:10 …Eccl...
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Death Stinks

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Identity Theft

Click here for full sermon transcript Ecclesiastes 7 REPLACE WITH COLLAPSIBLE TRANSCRIPT HERE... ...
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What Do You Want?

Click here to see full sermon transcript Ecclesiastes 5 REPLACE WITH COLLAPSIBLE TRANSCRIPT HERE... ...
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Ecclesiastes 5 & 6

This might be one of the most important passages in the Book of Ecclesiastes. We are going to look at a shift - it's a massive realignment. It's not a change of mind, it's a mind change. It's the difference in reformation and transportation. It's where you move from dreaming about what you can do for God to discovering that God has his own dream for you, and it is something that He wants to do not only through you, but in you. God's dreams are exponentially bigger than ours. Read Ecclesiastes Five and see if you see it. But this is more than something we see; it's something we experience.