Encounter Grace Pop-Up Groups

Encounter Grace Pop-Up groups are part of the Dream for ‘17 goal to disciple 1% of Gwinnett County in 5 years. We want to identify and empower members of Grace Snellville and lead them in groups with like-hearted people to gain confidence and clarity in their calling in one of 3 areas:

Pastor a local parish
Partner for the next generation
Pioneer with people of every nation

Encounter Grace Pop-up groups meet at Grace Snellville at 10:45am in the High School room (dates will be announced and listed on the calendar). Email if you have questions.

Weekly Tool Downloads

Week 1 Tool: Hinge Moments and Life Discovery Grid

Week 2 Tool:
Step 1 – CLICK HERE to take the Five Fold Survey
Step 2 – DOWNLOAD the APEST Definition and Reflection Questions, Narrative Funnel and Passion 360 Grid.

Week 3 Tool:
CLICK HERE to download the “One Thing (2 words) worksheet, and 90-Day Goal.