The scene was total chaos. Political, moral and spiritual decline was rampant. A nation was in disarray. Even the spiritual leaders of the day seemed speechless for words that could really make a difference. Opinions were a dime a dozen, but no one seemed to be able to come up with the right words to move things forward.

In case you thought I was talking about the landscape of the events this past week, I’m not. This was the condition of Israel at the beginning of the life of Samuel. And it is into this landscape that God began to speak—first to one person and then through him to an entire nation. And from the chaos, clarity began to emerge. Death, destruction, disarray and decline gave way to destiny, deliverance and dynasty. Words created a new world. But not just any words. These were the words of God—words that have the power to change everything.

Join us this week as we once again return to the book of I Samuel and learn together how to be people that steward the words of God to bring clarity in the midst of the chaos. We need to hear. God wants to speak. So, why not learn to be the kind of person who listens.


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DATE: August 20, 2017:  Rise and Reign: New Day Dawning

Scripture:1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-4:1a

ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes

Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to
catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.

SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes

This week we returned to the book of 1 Samuel and learned how to be people that steward the words of God. The scene in Israel was total political, moral, and spiritual devastation. The nation was in disarray. Opinions were a
dime a dozen, but no one seemed to be able to come up with the right words to move things forward. It is into this dim landscape that God was determined to speak—first to one disoriented person, Samuel, and then through him,
to an entire nation. And from the chaos, clarity began to dawn and a new reality began to emerge. Death, destruction, disarray and decline gave way to destiny, deliverance and dynasty. In the midst of the physical and spiritual darkness, God is not content even if his own people have become complacent. He is determined, bending over backwards, to bring change and clarity in the midst of noise and distraction. God dares to speak and desires that we hear his voice. He invites us to leave our disorientation behind and truly hear and know him. He demonstrates through Samuel that the pathway for hearing God’s voice is through community. We need to help each other consider the question: What if this really is the voice of God? Words create a new world. But not just any words. When we hear the voice of God and speak the words of God, His words have the power to change everything and give us something life-changing to say!

We need to hear. God wants to speak. So, why not learn to be the kind of person who listens to His words?

SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes
Picture (What is the story saying?):  What was the physical and spiritual situation in Israel? How did God move into the chaos to bring about change and transformation? What sort of person did God seek out? What sort of person did Samuel become? Why?
Mirror (Where am I in the story?): Which character in the story do you most closely relate to? Why? What are the words that God is speaking to you? What is one way you can listen to Him better? How can listening change the way you see the chaos around you?
Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): How could becoming a person who listens to and obeys God impact your family, community, and workplace? What are the possibilities and new realities he is
revealing? Who can you help consider: What if this is the voice of God?

BE IT – Practice
Change UP //  Exercise 5 minutes
The discipline of silence is perhaps the most difficult of all to learn! Take a moment to clear your minds, and then spend two minutes in complete silence. Focus on nothing more than hearing the voice of God, then share what you
heard him speak. Challenge each other to spend at least two minutes a day this week in silent, “Shiloh,” listening.
Change IN // Group Activity 5 minutes
Community is the pathway to conversation with God. As your community group begins this new season, identify one or two specific listening activities that you will commit to do together regularly between now and December.
Change OUT // Life Application Assignment 5 minutes
The antidote for conflict and chaos is reconciliation and relationship. This week, ask God to show you one person or family you can specifically invite to join your community group. Commit to inviting them to join you!


Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.